Photographing Agent Orange in Vietnam

A few months back I went on assignment with the International Herald Tribune to Danang to cover part of a story on the US finally addressing its possible link to Agent Orange contamination in Vietnam. I say possible. It’s confusing. Liability and compensation and other political matters probably play a huge part. But so does the fact that these days, Agent Orange has become a kind of blanket catch all for physical and mental birth defects within the country. It’s obviously there, the connection. But finding really concrete and dense evidence between the dioxin and malformations is more difficult.

So that’s why I was there, with the writer finding a family with concrete and dense evidence of the link between Agent Orange used during the American War and birth defects that are still happening today, some 40 years later. I’d write more, but you’re way better off reading the much more interesting and properly researched article here in The New York Times.

7 thoughts on “Photographing Agent Orange in Vietnam”

  1. Hi there,
    It’s nice to visit your blog, tks for sharing your photos which reveal the true story in my country. Your work is wonderful and sad. I’m also going to prepare new post about photos of babies and children in Cancer Hospital in Hanoi, Vietnam. Tks for share

  2. […] Aaron Joel Santos δημοĎιεύει φωτογĎαφίες, που αποτυπώνουν την αĎνητική “κληĎονομιά” της […]

  3. I’m sorry, these 2 books are 3 days overdue.You’re really killing me!Let’s go for a walkŁ¬shall we? I hope our dreams come trueI quit!Mr. Smith knew Jack didn’t look at the others because he was nervous.Mr. Smith knew Jack didn’t look at the others because he was nervous.Nancy will retire next year.That’s neat.Will you be free tomorrow evening?

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